Friday, February 15, 2019

"The Kinder and Gentler State Speech"

         As a state, Texas faces many issues as those happening in the United States. When those issues affect the health and safety of citizens, the government will declare the state emergency. Texas Governor Greg Abbott delivered his state of the state address. Following this event, the Texas Monthly published an article: “Governor Greg Abbott calls for significant reforms on complex issues like property taxes, school safety” on Tuesday, February 5th, 2019. Written by Carlos Sanchez, this article draws Texans’ attention with the significant event of the government.
       This article gives readers an overview of Greg Abbott’s state of the state address. It points out six emergency items that have been declared by the Texas Governor which are school finance, teacher pay raises, school safety, mental health, property tax reform, and disaster response. The article emphasizes that the Governor’s tone is gentle during the speech because Texas achieves overflowing coffers, the top ranking of job-creating state, and attracts thousands of people to migrate. Moreover, it shows the readers that declared emergency items receive applause from both parties especially Democrats. Abbott also indicates that Texas is a safe state. Those pieces of information from this article are helpful for all the Texans.