Friday, March 1, 2019

"The Real Emergency for Texas"

             Building the border wall between the United States and Mexico has been a controversial issue for a long time. President Donald Trump has even declared it as the national emergency. Most of the border wall is shared with Texas. Therefore, this issue would also be the emergency for Texas state; or we have another problem that much more “emergency” for the health and safety of Texans than building the wall.
            To clarify which is the most important thing in need of Texans, the article: “The real state of emergency in Texas? Our lack of health insurance” has been published on Houston Chronicle on February 27, 2019. This article is written by Taimur Safder. He is a cardiology fellow at the Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute in Dallas. Safder expresses his point of views about one significant issue in Texas which is a large number of people not having health insurance. He makes an argument on why he thinks the border wall will not affect the Texans’ lives as the lack of health insurance. Safder directs readers who are Texans and especially interested in the health insurance to support his idea that Texas politicians need to take more attention to Texans’ health care rather than spending billions of dollars for the border wall.
           To do that, Safder starts his argument by telling the readers a story of Mr. Johnson and his wife, who do not qualify for Medicaid and cannot afford their medications. They have to take turns to have medications. Later, he persuades the readers by telling them another story of Mr. Gonzalez and his daughter Lucy who also suffer because of not having health insurance. Safder relies on real situations that he observes as a doctor in Texas. Moreover, Safder gives a lot of data to prove that Texas has a high percentage of uninsured residents. Those evidence helps to strengthen his discussion. His data is also persuasive because he links the readers to the sources of each information during his argument.
           Overall, Safder has made a good argument because it informs Texans and alerts Texas politicians about the lack of having health insurance actually affecting the lives of Texans. He emphasizes that providing health insurance for Texans is the real “emergency.” He also suggests the solution for that is to expand the Medicaid which needs more actions from political leaders to change Texans’ lives.

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